Image Licensing Agreement

82% Artists and Business are worried due to copyright restriction



Protect your images and ensure that you have the proper image licensing services because without it, you risk facing legal consequences for copyright infringement.

Image Licensing Agreement

What is Image Licensing?

License pictures is something that allows an individual or organization permission to use images with license for a certain purpose. There are several image licensing types which include the right to reproduce a photograph, movie, or piece of art for personal or commercial purpose using the license pictures. Digital photo license can be formalized by a contract or other legal agreement, or it can be conducted informally, typically under a royalty-free or Creative Commons license.


Licensable images allow an individual or organization to use images with license for a certain number of purposes. With us, as a leading image licensing platform, this may include the right to license:
● Photograph
● Movie
● Piece of Art for personal or commercial use

Digital image license can be formalized by a contract or other legal agreement, or it can be conducted informally, typically under a royalty-free or Creative Commons license.

Image Licensing Services

Protect Your Images before you regret it!

Contact us today to avoid legal copyright infringement!

image licensing

How do we License your Image

Once you partner-up with Ritude, you get the utmost reliance with our image licensing services protecting your pictures from unparalleled copyright violations. We start from the registration, follow the image uploading, define the terms and condition to bring you potential buyer requests and give you an authority whether to accept or decline the request in order to complete your digital image license agreement.

image licensing

how we work


Register for a Ritude Account.

Image Uploading

Upload your Image to this platform.

Define the Terms and Conditions

You should define the terms and conditions of your images. This includes proper attribution, limited usage, and payment.

Potential Buyer’s Requests

Wait for potential buyers’ interest to express their interest in your quality images.

Action on Requests

Accept or decline the request after reviewing it.

License Agreement

After the request has been accepted, the buyer must sign a license agreement detailing the terms of your image’s use.


But what can get you with licensing your images? Here’s why, the reasons and benefits you will get in case you license your image with Ritude.

Benefits of Using Ritude for Image Licensing

We offer a wide range of options to suit your specific needs.

Customizable License

If you only need a license for a short period of time, we offer short-term licenses that can be customized to fit your specific needs. These are great for businesses or individuals who need images for a specific project or marketing campaign.

Choose the right Licensing Option

In addition to offering a range of licensing options, Ritude also has a team of experts who can help you choose the right license for your business. Our staff knows all the license alternatives and can help you choose the best one.

Appropriate option for the Set of Images

We also offer long-term licenses for those who need ongoing access to a set of images. This is a great option for businesses that use images regularly in their marketing materials or on their website.

Easy to access and use of your Images

Ritude’s picture licensing makes it easy to find and utilize the images you need. Our search function makes it easy to select the right image for your project from our large database of high-quality images available for license.

Overall, Ritude is the go-to source for image licensing for businesses and content creators. With a wide range of licensing options, a team of experts to help you choose the right license, and a vast library of high-quality images, we make it easy for you to protect your images and ensure that you have the proper permissions in place.

Your HQ images are being used without even getting into your knowledge!

Avoid getting image infringement strikes!


Royalty-free images are images that you can use for any purpose without having to pay additional fees or royalties. These images are generally sold in packages or with a one-time fee. Rights-managed images are images that are licensed for a specific use, typically for a specific amount of time. The user must pay for each use of the image, and the license must be renewed for each use. Rights-managed images can be more expensive and may have more restrictions than royalty-free images.

The restrictions for using images with a license will depend on the type of license that is assigned to the image. Generally speaking, a license will outline the rights and limitations of using an image, such as how the image can be used, if it can be modified or altered, if and how it can be distributed, if it can be used for commercial purposes, and if the creator must be credited. Before utilizing an image, take sure to check the license details.

Editorial use refers to the use of photographs, images, and other media for educational, informational, or journalistic purposes. This generally includes images used in magazines, newspapers, and books. Commercial use refers to the use of photographs, images, and other media for promotional or advertising purposes. Images that are utilized in ads, websites, product packaging, and other kinds of marketing are typically included in this category.

The cost to license an image depends on several factors, including the use of the image, the type of license, and the size of the image. Prices for individual pictures might vary widely, from just a few dollars to several hundred.

Yes, there are a number of free image licensing options available. Creative Commons Licenses (CCLs) are a popular type of free image licensing. With CCLs, authors can grant people the unrestricted use of their creations under specified stipulations. For example, the Creative Commons Attribution license allows others to use, share, and remix a work, provided they give appropriate credit to the creator.

Some licenses are designed for use in a single project and do not allow you to use the image more than once. Other licenses may grant you the rights to use the image multiple times, either in the same project or in different projects. In this case, the license will typically specify how many times you can use the image and what kind of projects you can use it in.